ServiceMax Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

3 Ways to Ensure Your Home Energy Efficiency

Monday, January 11th, 2021

green-homeWinter is far from over even if the holiday season is done. We have months to go before the cold temperatures around here give way to some form of warmth. This means we will still be relying on our heaters for a good long while. And running your heating system day in and day out can add up if you aren’t careful.

When we talk about the efficiency of your Niles, IL HVAC system, it isn’t just because it’s good for the environment to use less—it’s good for your wallet too. We want you to enjoy great efficiency and comfort in your home. Here are some ways to help you do just that.

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Enjoy a Safe, Fun & Comfortable Holiday Season With These Tips

Monday, December 14th, 2020

The holidays are right around the corner (or have already started for anyone celebrating Hanukkah) which means most of us are deep into preparations. The decorations are up, meals are planned, and family traditions are gearing up too. It has been a rough and awkward year for everyone, so it is important that we can celebrate this season with as much normalcy as possible. And normalcy does not include a faulty heater!

You deserve to enjoy a safe and comfortable holiday season, and we can help you do that. Check out our tips below that will give you ideas that will ensure your comfort, safety, and enjoyment of the end of one of the toughest years in history.

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Furnace Maintenance is Important

Monday, February 10th, 2020

service-reminder-stopwatch“Better late than never.”

This phrase is one that many of us have heard over and over again. The reason being is because it’s pretty true. Better to do your taxes late than never, or better to get your car serviced late than never. The alternatives to these two examples are unpleasant to think about, we know. When it comes to your furnace, the alternative to never having maintenance done on your heating system is also unpleasant.

All too often we have encountered clients who skipped their annual maintenance services for their furnaces in Chicago, IL because it was too late. What they end up with, of course, is a furnace that didn’t operate nearly as well as it would have otherwise. Some people even ended up with expensive repairs that could have been avoided.

So, why schedule late maintenance? Because it is always the better option.

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The Most Important Furnace Repair to Make

Monday, December 30th, 2019

furnace-burners-smallThere are a variety of furnace repairs that you may need to make throughout your system’s service life. However, there is one particular repair need that is more important than most others simply because it involves the safety of you and everyone else in your household.

We are discussing the heat exchanger. The repair that may need to be made is if that heat exchanger has a crack in it. Not only can this issue create a problem with your furnace’s ability to heat your home but it can be fairly dangerous too.

If and when you encounter the need for furnace repair in Chicago, IL, whether it is a filter replacement or a cracked heat exchanger, make sure you work with e pro to get the job done right.

For now, however, let’s delve into why you should be concerned about a cracked heat exchanger.

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4 Signs Your Boiler Needs Repair

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

Waking up in the morning to a home full of warmth is a great feeling, especially when it is icy and cold outside. There is just something special about being able to walk around barefoot inside thanks to the hard work of your boiler.

You really do rely on your boiler heater to keep your home comfortable, especially during some of the wild weather that hits Chicago. And, being the grateful and smart homeowner that you are, you know that your boiler needs the care to keep running.

That is why you are curious about what to look for that lets you know when your boiler needs repairs before you are facing a full boiler installation in Chicago, IL. If you want to learn more about this subject, then read on and, when you are ready, reach out to us to schedule your next repair service.

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Boiler Services Will Ensure You Don’t Freeze This Fall

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Fall in many states triggers the idea of colorful leaves and light layering for lowering temperatures. For us, frigid temperatures arrived alongside the colorful leaves.

Our region is unique and because of that, it requires heating systems that can keep up with it. That is why so many of us enjoy the benefits of boilers as our home heaters. With their use of heated water, boilers are able to effectively warm homes in Chicago.

Your reliance on your boiler to keep you warm over the next several months is one of the reasons it is so important to make sure your system is in good working order. If it isn’t you will need to schedule service to get it back into tip-top shape…and fast!

The question is, what service does your boiler need? Or does it need any at all?

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As Winter Winds Down, Think About What Your Boiler May Need

Monday, March 11th, 2019

The official first day of spring never means anything solid in Chicago. Cold days can continue to strike us through April. But we are definitely in the last part of the winter, and it’s at this time you are most likely to run into trouble with your central heating system. The heater has been doing an immense amount of work, especially during this extremely brutal winter, and all that strain may easily lead to a breakdown or a significant malfunction.

If you use a hydronic boiler for comfort in your house, here are a few things to consider that your boiler may need.

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Why Many Homeowners Love Radiant Heating

Monday, January 28th, 2019

floor-heating-installationWe provide many heating services to our customers in the Chicagoland area, from handling furnace repairs to installing ductless mini split heat pumps. One service that continues to grow in popularity is fitting out homes with radiant heating systems that use in-floor tubing to provide heat. Radiant heating systems are becoming top choices for new home construction and even more retrofits.

But why? Why have many homeowners found that radiant heating was exactly what they wanted?

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Common Misunderstandings About Gas Furnaces

Monday, December 31st, 2018

furnace-burners-smallThe gas furnace is the heating system found in more homes across the country than any other. In areas with harsh winters, a gas furnace has the power to overcome the coldest days without running up the enormous bills an electric furnace would. And a gas furnace can deliver warmth faster than electric heating systems.

But despite their popularity, gas furnaces have a large number of myths and misunderstandings surrounding them. We’d like to shine a spotlight on a few of these and tell you the truth. That way you’ll get the most out of your home’s gas furnace.

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Boiler Problems: Time to Repair or Replace?

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

boiler-residentialWe all have been there: do I buy a new car, or do I spend the money to fix the one I own? Do I buy the latest cellphone, or do I get the broken screen fixed on mine? Well, you should be asking yourself these questions when it comes to your boiler, too.

We know it can be a daunting task. Deciding where to put your money can be stressful, but we are here to help! Scheduling a visit from one of our friendly technicians can help you make the right choice for your home.

In the meantime, we have provided a few hints about what your boiler might be telling you:

The lifespan of a boiler is typically between 15 and 20 years. However, the actual lifespan of your boiler depends on the type of boiler you own, the size, and if it is regularly maintained.

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