ServiceMax Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winnetka’

Noises You Don’t Want to Hear from Your AC

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Is that your air conditioner making that noise? Oh, dear. What are you going to do about it? Ignore it, you say? Hope it goes away? Don’t do that! Your air conditioner doesn’t have many ways to let you know that something is wrong. When it does make a strange noise, you really need to listen. 

Getting AC repairs done as promptly as possible will prevent a minor issue from turning into a major one or even causing your air conditioner to break down completely. The noise you’re hearing is the first warning sign, so heed it!

What could it mean when your air conditioner makes a strange noise? What kind of repairs might you need? We’ve got some information for you.

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Keep Your Ductless Mini Split in Tip-Top Condition

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Your ductless mini split is absolutely amazing! The efficiency is extraordinary. It provides both cooling all summer and heating when the weather gets cold. It was probably one of the best investments you’ve ever made.

But once you’ve made an investment like that, you want to make sure you get as much out of it as you can. You want that efficiency to stay that high. You want the system to last as long as possible. How can you keep your ductless mini split in tip-top condition, performing perfectly at peak efficiency for many years? Follow these tips.

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Troubleshooting an Electric Furnace

Monday, March 4th, 2024

We’d like to make it very clear that an untrained homeowner should never attempt DIY repairs on an electric furnace. There’s immediate risk, like electrocution, that can be fatal. And there’s delayed risk, like leaving the furnace with a wiring problem that creates a fire hazard. Every time actual repairs are required, your electric furnace needs the help of a qualified professional.

Does that mean there’s nothing you can do when you’ve got a heating system issue? No! There are definitely things you can do. The problem might not be one that requires actual repair. A bit of electric furnace troubleshooting could get your issue resolved in just a few minutes.

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Boilers and Furnaces: Is There a Clear Choice for Homes?

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

It’s always a relief to know that you’re making the right decision. Especially when it comes to something that’s a big investment, like a heating system. It would be so good to know which one would definitely be the exact right choice.

Is there a correct choice when it comes to boilers and furnaces? Measured side by side, would one of them come out on top? It’s a little more complex than that.

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Ways to Tell It’s Time for Air Duct Cleaning

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Systems of ductwork for central air conditioning became popular around fifty years ago, and most new homes built since then have included them. At this point, they’re usually used for both air conditioners and furnaces, and distribute heated or cooled air all year long. This is a big job, and all that air can contain contaminants that build up inside the ductwork.

From time to time, it can be very beneficial to have those ducts cleaned out. It can improve the function of your HVAC system, decrease the dust in your home, improve your respiratory health, and more.

How can you tell if it’s time to get your air ducts professionally cleaned? Read this list and watch out for these signs.

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Does Refrigerant Get Used Up?

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Each part of your air conditioner is highly important to the cooling process. But there is one part of the system that is more often misunderstood than the rest and that is the refrigerant. The refrigerant in your AC is vital to the process of cooling the air.

Here’s the thing that you need to know to start things off. Refrigerant doesn’t dissipate over time. It isn’t used up the way fuel is. That is why if you start to have trouble with low refrigerant levels, you need to reach out to a professional to address the problem.

Here is what you need to know about what causes refrigerant loss and why it requires air conditioning repair in Winnetka, IL.

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AFCI vs. GFCI Outlets

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Using an outlet in your home isn’t something that the average person second-guesses. You need to use something that runs on electricity and all you need to do is plug it in to get things running. But what happens if your outlets are giving you problems?

Outlets are vital to your home’s electrical system. Without the right outlet being installed correctly, you are going to encounter trouble trying to use anything that needs to plug in. That is why it is vital to talk to an electrician in Winnetka, IL to ensure that your outlets are set up right.

Start out here, by discovering the importance of the different types of outlets you might need in your home.

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Why It Isn’t Too Late for Heater Maintenance

Monday, January 24th, 2022

It is well into the winter season and we are headed toward spring soon. With that said, if you haven’t gotten your heater maintained just yet, then you should know that it isn’t too late. Heater maintenance is going to be highly beneficial for your system. Even when it is late, this service is going to be well worth scheduling.

Our team provides this highly important heating service in Winnetka, IL so that you can get the most out of your system for as long as possible. If you are still unsure whether this service is worth your time, then let’s discuss the benefits that you won’t want to miss out on!

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Steps for Choosing a New Air Conditioner

Monday, June 29th, 2020

ac-with-toolsUh-oh! Did your air conditioner just give out? Or maybe it has been struggling more than usual lately? If you don’t have a reliable air conditioning system, things will get pretty uncomfortable this summer, even if your system sounds like it’s running. When your air conditioner is on its last leg, you are going to want to schedule an air conditioner replacement in Winnetka.

If you need to get a replacement service, you should contact the team at ServiceMax to ensure the job gets done right. Our trained technicians can help you identify when you need to retire your old unit, and we can even assist in the selection of your new one.

Let’s take a look at what you need to consider when it comes to replacing your old cooling system.

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Does Your Air Conditioner Need Help?

Monday, June 1st, 2020

spinning-fan-closeupIt is so wonderful to be able to enjoy multiple days of warmth and sunshine in a row after a winter that felt like it might never end. With that said, it is not as easy to enjoy this weather if you have no reprieve from it. Even the biggest sun-worshipper eventually needs a way to cool off, but when you need air conditioning repair in Winnetka this is easier said than done.

The good news is that you aren’t alone when it comes to dealing with this issue–we can help. The professional technicians on our team will arrive at your home ready to diagnose and fix whatever the problem with your unit is while keeping you and your home safe from start to finish.

The first step to getting this done is to figure out if you need a repair service for your cooling system. Check out these indicators to see if any sound familiar.

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