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Benefits of Installing a Whole-House Dehumidifier

As the temperature heats up now that summer is here, you can expect to run your air conditioner far more frequently. But high heat isn’t the only enemy of comfort during the summer. High humidity is also a serious problem. Because of the extra moisture in the air when relative humidity rises above 60%, it becomes harder for the human body to release heat through the skin by evaporating sweat. So even though high humidity doesn’t raise the temperature around you, the air will feel much hotter because extra heat is trapped inside your body.

Now while there isn’t much you can do about the high humidity when you’re outdoors, you can change it inside your house. It takes the professional installation of a whole-house dehumidifier into your HVAC system to do the trick.

How this installation benefits you

  • Greater comfort: The most immediate effect you’ll feel from a dehumidifier is superior comfort in hot weather. Balancing the indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50% can make the household temperatures feel as if they’re 8°F cooler. Your air conditioner can’t overcome high humidity on its own.
  • Drop in utility bills: Speaking of the air conditioner… you won’t need to run it as often during the summer when you already feel cooler thanks to the balanced humidity. You can expect to see savings on your monthly energy bills.
  • Reduction in water damage: All the humidity in the air will lead to water on surfaces, where it will cause damage. Wood root and other water damage is common when the humidity is too high.
  • Stop mold and mildew: Many damaging molds and mildews thrive in humid environments, and drying up the house helps prevent them. Some molds release harmful spores, so a proper whole-house dehumidifier will increase your indoor air quality.

Malek Heating & Cooling offers whole-house dehumidifier installation in Skokie, IL and throughout Chicagoland. We’ve served the area since 1998.

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