ServiceMax Blog: Archive for September, 2022

Let’s Figure Out If You Need an AC Upgrade

Monday, September 19th, 2022

If you have been asking yourself “How old is my AC unit?” or “Why is my AC always breaking down?” then it is a good idea to start seeing whether or not you need an AC repair or an upgrade. That said, you need to be certain because air conditioners are expensive.

Here are four things you can look at to help you decide.

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 5 Ways to Save Energy This Summer

Monday, September 5th, 2022

We all want to enjoy a comfortable and convenient home. But there is a price attached to using the energy needed to operate appliances, such as your home’s lights and air conditioner. The question that everyone is going to be afraid to answer though is how big that price tag is going to be.

There is more than one way to try to save energy while being able to still use all of your home’s appliances. We like to do everything we can to help ensure that you can save money and minimize energy use, which is why we’re offering these tips to help you out.

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